Seniors Mobility Aids

Knee Scooter and Knee Walker: What Are They Used for?

Written by Haley Burress
Last Updated :

What is a knee scooter (also called a knee walker)?

If you are in the process of recovery after a serious ankle, knee, or foot injury, you are probably wondering that very question.

In this guide, we’ll show you what, exactly a knee walker is and what it does. 

Don’t forget to also check our knee scooter reviews!

What is a Knee Scooter?

Knee scooters, which are also known as knee walkers, include three to five wheels, a knee rest, and steering column handlebars.

By resting ankle injuries or your foot surgery on a padded knee rest support while using your comfortable foot to pedal, you’re able to relieve some of the pressure on your leg.

A knee walker is an excellent mobile device for treating broken ankle, knee injury as well as and injured feet, which allows you to walk around without a problem while you undergo your healing process.

With the assistance of these mobility devices, you are able to keep doing daily life activities for a long period of time, with no added stress or discomfort.

Later, We will talk about this more.

READ MORE: Is There a Difference Between Knee Walkers & Scooters?

Things You Should Know Before Getting a Knee Scooter

Patients should avoid putting any weight on their wounded foot throughout rehabilitation since different accidents and health conditions necessitate it.

Any knee injury, including those that are below the knee, is improved by the use of a knee walker as long as a doctor advises it.

Weight-bearing mobility and non-weight-bearing treatments for your wounded leg may be suggested, depending on your situation. A time why knee scooters are particularly helpful is when you need to rest your leg on a knee pad while also being able to move around.

Here are some of these medical conditions:

  • broken ankle recovery,
  • below the knee amputation
  • ankle arthritis
  • ankle fusion surgery / ankle surgery recovery
  • achilles tendon rupture
  • diabetic foot issues; and
  • heel spur surgery.

Related: How to Use Knee Scooter Properly?

Crutch Alternative: Scooter Over Crutches?

an injured man using crutches

As crutch alternatives, seated knee walkers are associated with crutches. The KW-100 is a novel technology.

They are more comfortable, easier to travel with, and more convenient than crutches.

Crutches are becoming outdated with some people since they are inconvenient, uncomfortable to use, and can cause further harm.

Another reason why medical knee scooters are used instead of crutches is that some patients have arthritis or other health concerns that make using crutches difficult.

Why Should You Use a Knee Scooter/Knee Walker?

Knee scooters and walkers are recovery assistance solutions designed for those who suffer from various range of users such as experiencing knee injuries, elderly people, and those with disabilities.

This mobility aid will give you more upper body strength as well.

It serves the primary purpose of making daily activities easier and more comfortable. Additional and enhanced benefits have been developed over time, and therefore there are now a lot of choices to choose from.

There are a few advantages:

  • It gives weight-bearing relief periods of rehabilitation.
  • It is there to help with your leg problems (e.g., leg amputation) you are moving around. It is up to you to make sure you follow fundamental safety practices.
  • It gives you the opportunity to be nearly able to accomplish daily tasks at home, especially when you need to utilize both your hands.
  • The knee rest design rest helps your damaged leg rest and be supported with an extra-comfortable padded knee platform.

What is a Knee Walker Used For?

Knee walkers are preferred when knee or foot injury occurs because they allow the user to rest the lower leg on the knee pad, keeping the foot and ankle elevated and non-weight bearing.

Knee scooters have a contoured knee/leg pad, twin locking hand brakes, a basket, and adjustable handlebars. 

Common Features of Knee Walker

Let us give specific details on common features you should check out for every knee walker[2]:

  • Lightweight Frame
  • Durable Frame
  • Folding Frame
  • Wheels on Knee Walker
  • Tires
  • Seat
  • Seat/ Knee Pad
  • Brakes
  • Levers
  • Steering
  • Basket

All of these characteristics are featured on the knee walkers, as well as having a storage basket and making sure they don’t slip on wet flooring. Moreover, it takes stress off of the wrists, or armpits.

Knee Scooter/Walker Pricing

Distributors, as well as the online store, offer the same cost as knee scooters. The KW-100 knee walker is the standard model; it is affordable and widely available over the web.

Some knee scooters sell for $100 to $400 while others charge custom pricing.

Knee Walker Rental

Rental services of knee walkers are widely available on the internet. When you rent a walker, you have the option of using it for as long as you’re injured, and then returning it to them.

This device aids those who have had an injury but have a small budget because they will not require it for an extended time period.

One must recuperate from surgery and often preferred renting a crutch substitute or knee caddy. Some wanted to have the option of returning the mobility device once recovered.

Check: Knee Scooter Rental Walgreens

Buyer’s Guide: What is the Best Knee Walker?

This article helps you find the best knee scooter for your medical needs.

First, let’s take a brief glance at our top recommendations, you can also see their features by following the provided links[3].


Is a knee scooter better than crutches?

Knee walkers are favored over crutches since they allow for more mobility and travel distances.

Can you sit on a knee scooter?

Yes. You can choose a seated knee scooter. They keep you non-weight bearing and in a seated position.

Do knee scooters work on carpet?

All knee scooters work on carpets, concrete, hard and rough floors, mild dirt, and even light snow.

Can you use a knee scooter for a knee injury?

On a knee scooter, you support your knee on a padded knee rest. A knee scooter cannot be used if you have a knee injury or have had knee replacement surgery.


In this section of the website, most of the frequently asked questions about knee scooters have already been answered.

We are hopeful that the information found in this article gives you a comprehensive understanding of what knee walkers are and why they are helpful when recovering from a leg injury.


  • “How to Use Crutches, Canes, and Walkers – OrthoInfo – AAOS.” 2015. Aaos.org. 2015. https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/recovery/how-to-use-crutches-canes-and-walkers/.
  • Walker. 2019. “What Is a Knee Scooter? The Complete Guide.” Rent a Knee Walker. 2019. https://www.rentakneewalker.com/stories/what-is-a-knee-scooter.
a doctor checking a man's knee

What is a knee scooter? Have you tried using it? Please share with us below!

About Author

Haley Burress
Haley has been working with seniors and their caregivers for more than 17 years. She has held local and national leadership roles in a variety of senior services and senior care agencies. Today, she is a sought after writer specializing in topics for older adults, their family members, and professional caregivers. When she isn't at her computer sipping coffee, you can find her hiking with her husband, son, and dog or trying a new cookie recipe in the kitchen. Follow her on LINKEDIN. Read her LATEST POSTS. Learn more about her HERE.

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