Seniors Mobility Aids

Where Is the Speed Limiter on a Mobility Scooter? Find Out!

Written by GrigorinaLoa
Last Updated :

Are you wondering, “Where is the speed limiter on a mobility scooter?”

When my father wanted his mobility scooter to go faster, I had to do extensive research to solve his problem.

And today, I’m here to share my findings with all mobility scooter users and help you increase your speed with some simple steps. 

Just keep reading. 

Quick Summary

  • A speed limiter is a useful tool for reducing speed and preventing accidents.
  • It’s not easy to locate the limiter in mobility scooters or remove it. 
  • You can make your mobility scooter fast with a few simple upgrades.  

What Does a Speed Limiter Do?

Before I get to the part where the speed limiter is, let’s talk about what it does and how it affects the performance of your mobility device.

As the name suggests, a speed limiter limits the maximum speed you can reach with your mobility device. 

It’s a safety tool for preventing accidents and overspeeding in electric scooters, electric bikes, and cars. Currently, Europe is enforcing mandatory speed limiters for all new vehicles. (1)

When you reach the pre-set max speed, you won’t be able to go any faster, no matter how much you force the motor. Check this video to see how it works in cars (it’s the same principle in scooters). 

Since mobility scooters are tailored for elderly people or people with disabilities, it makes sense that some models have such a safety device to maintain a reasonable speed. 

And where is the speed limiter on a mobility scooter? Let’s find out!

Where Is the Speed Limiter on a Mobility Scooter?

where is the speed limiter on the mobility scooter

Surprisingly, there’s not much information about where to find the limiter in mobility scooters. Still, I managed to find some clues. 

Depending on your model, the electronic speed limiter is part of your electric scooter’s software. It sends signals to the electric motor when you reach the limit for mobility scooters.

In other models, the limiter is part of the speed controller – a speed-limiting wire that decreases power and prevents you from getting over the limit.

Not all mobility scooters have this safety net. After all, many high-quality scooters have an average speed of 4-5 mph, so they don’t really need it—more about max speed limits in a bit. 

I recommend reading the user manual or asking the manufacturer about the speed limiter when choosing the mobility scooter. And now, let’s talk about the max allowed speed for scooters. 

What’s the Max Speed Limit for Mobility Electric Scooters?

According to laws in the UK, mobility scooter on roads has a maximum speed limit of 8 miles per hour and is restricted to 4 mph on pavement. (2)

The USA has similar mobility/electric scooter laws, prohibiting you from driving mobility scooters on the road. But check your state’s regulations for more information. (3)

Still, some of the best mobility scooters can reach a speed of 18 miles per hour. However, you should check where such speed is allowed. 

But can you remove the speed limiter if you want to go even faster? The answer will surprise you!

How to Remove the Limiter on Mobility Scooters?

It’s not possible to remove the restriction in all models unless you’re very tech savvy and can hack the software. 

The manual removal mechanism is also complicated, and you risk damaging the electronic components and compromising your vehicle’s safety.  

However, I’ve got good news for those of you who have a scooter with a sports mode. You can remove the limit with these simple steps:

  1. Switch on the display while holding and pressing the brake.
  2. Press the power button. Then select P3.
  3. Save your settings by pressing the set button, and you’re ready to go. 

Still, you have to consider a couple of things before you start 

Should You Remove Your Mobility Scooter Speed Limiter?

The limiter exists for safety reasons. So, I don’t recommend trying to get rid of it by reprogramming the speed of mobility scooters or cutting a wire. 

Moreover, tinkering with your device can void the warranty, so you can’t return the unit if you run into problems with the controllers or the electric components. And the scooter repair cost can be high!

And if you fail to reprogram it, you can end up with a mobility device you can’t use. Instead, I’ve got other ways you can make your scooter go a bit faster. 

How To Make My Mobility Electric Scooter Faster?

If you can’t get rid of the limiter, you still have a few options to make your vehicle a bit faster. But for your road safety, be careful 

#1 Battery Power Upgrade

Switching to a high-power battery is one of the easiest ways to increase your vehicle’s speed. A high-performance battery will give you more power, and won’t have to charge batteries as frequently. 

#2 Change the Old Battery

Batteries get less efficient with time, so replacing your old scooter battery with a new one can boost your speed. 

#3 Reduce Weight

As motorized powerchair experts from Quantum Rehab explain, (4)

“To achieve optimal speed, the weight of the user should be under that weight capacity.”

When traveling, getting rid of accessories, such as storage baskets, can increase your vehicle’s speed, or you can rearrange them to be more aerodynamic.

Of course, you can invest in a scooter with an increased weight capacity if you don’t want to give up these comforts. 

#4 Replace Tires

You’ll reduce friction and increase your speed if you get new tires. Installing airless tires is also beneficial because they provide better acceleration on rougher terrain and are safe for all road users. 

#5 Tune-Up

My father’s scooter used to be very fast in the begging, but it slowed down with the years. And that’s normal for any machine.

But it was getting the vehicle serviced and eliminating some minor problems with the motor and the batteries improved its speed. 


Are Mobility Scooters Speed Restricted?

In the UK, mobility scooters are restricted to eight miles per hour on the road and four mph off the road. The USA also has mobility scooter laws prohibiting users from driving on the road. 

What Is the Average Speed of Mobility Scooters?

The average speed of scooters is around 4-5 miles per hour. However, some of the fastest mobility scooters reach a speed of up to 18 miles per hour. 

What Is the Recommended Mobility Scooters Speed Limit?

The recommended speed limit for wheelchair or scooter users is eight mph. The recommended speed for operating your scooter/power chair off the road is four mph. 


Where is the speed limiter on a mobility scooter? If your vehicle has a limiter, it’s probably part of the software, and you can’t do much about it.

And while plenty of videos exist about removing electric scooters’ speed limiters, they don’t work on mobility scooters.

But it’s not illegal to switch your speed limiter off, so you won’t be in trouble if you find a way to do it. 

a mobility scooter

Does your mobility scooter have a speed limiter, and where is it? Let us know in the comment section


  • 1. Mandatory speed limiters have arrived in the UK: what this means for you [Internet]. Parkers. [cited 2022 Sep 30]. Available from: https://www.parkers.co.uk/car-advice/speed-limiters-what-they-mean-for-you/
  • 2. Rules for users of powered wheelchairs and mobility scooters (36 to 46) – The Highway Code – Guidance – GOV.UK [Internet]. www.gov.uk. Available from: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/rules-for-users-of-powered-wheelchairs-and-mobility-scooters-36-to-46
  • 3. Is It Legal to Drive a Mobility Scooter on the Road? | AssistedLiving.org [Internet]. AssistedLiving.org. 2022 [cited 2022 Sep 30]. Available from: https://www.assistedliving.org/best-mobility-scooters/is-it-legal-to-drive-mobility-scooters-on-the-road/
  • 4. Rehab Q. How Fast Do Motorized Wheelchairs Go? | Quantum Rehab® [Internet]. Quantum – The Rehab Power Chair Solutions Company. [cited 2022 Sep 30]. Available from: https://www.quantumrehab.com/resources/consumer-article-how-fast-do-motorized-wheelchairs-go.asp

About Author

Grigorina discovered that writing is her vocation early in her school years. Since then, she's taken part in several literary contests. For the past three years, she's also been an ELS teacher, pouring her heart into showing children and adults how important English is for their future. She has a Bachelor's degree in Applied Linguistics, an ESL Teacher's degree, and a Master's degree in Accounting. Follow her on FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM. Read her LATEST POSTS. Learn more about her HERE.

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