Senior Lifestyle

25 Interesting Hobbies for Seniors With Limited Mobility

Written by Liliane
Last Updated :

Are you looking for some hobbies for seniors with limited mobility? While taking care of my dad, I noted his fun hobbies, which I hope other seniors also enjoy. 

While researching, I found a list that also has fun activities from crafts for seniors, even if they have mobility issues. Read more to find out more.

25 Hobbies and Activities for Seniors With Limited Mobility

1. Writing Poems

A senior barely has to move to write a poem or letter. Having seniors write letters to pen-pals will help keep their minds sharp as they tap into their creativity. 

senior man relaxing on the sofa while coloring books for senior

Creative hobbies enhance a senior’s thinking ability and reduce the effects of dementia. (1)

2. Playing Card and Board Games

Is there a better way to bond with someone than to play a fun game with them? I discovered this when I played poker with my dad and his friends.

At first, I did not know how to play card games, but I caught on pretty fast.

It certainly helped that I had patient seniors to teach me! Board games such as monopoly, scrabble, checkers, and boggle are also fun options.

Memory games such as sudoku, word, and crossword puzzles are also excellent for seniors dealing with a loss of mobility- and I haven’t even touched on online games!

Honestly, I can think of an array of games that would help keep a senior entertained and their mind sharp.

3. Coloring and Miniature Painting

Adult coloring has become a big deal recently and is among fun crafts for limited mobility. Though it isn’t something my dad fancied, I’m sure many seniors wouldn’t mind.

There are many options for adult coloring books and adult coloring sessions on YouTube to teach a senior how to do it like a pro. Watch this tutorial to learn more.

Painting for seniors activities also goes hand in hand with coloring. The senior won’t need to stand, especially if their hand coordination is top-notch.

4. Arts and Crafts Activities

There are myriad art activities seniors can engage in to stave off boredom. I found these fun crafts for seniors to be quite helpful.

Crocheting blankets for use was one of my grandma’s favorite hobbies. She loved knitting while telling us tales of her life experiences and how she met our grandpa.  

senior woman crocheting

5. Fishing

Fishing is no longer as famous as it used to be before the rise of smartphones and TVs. But it can have incredible mental health benefits for seniors since it is a satisfying experience.

You can even use a nice fish tank cooler to store those nice catches.

6. Gentle Exercise Routines

Activities for seniors with limited mobility issues shouldn’t be physically intensive. Even so, there are light exercises seniors can manage.

Accessible exercises include chair exercises, upper body movements, or leg movements. I found this video quite helpful in getting my dad to do some exercise.

Exercise will help the seniors reduce their dependence on other people and perform daily activities with little help. (2) 

7. Study Family History

Seniors are a wealth of information on family genealogies. But they don’t often know it all.

What better way to engage and jog their memory than having them trace the family genealogy? (3)

This is an activity seniors will engage in while seated and fears of falling injuries are non-existent. The internet makes tracking down long-lost relatives and arranging a get-together easier.

Therefore, teach a senior how to do it and let them track your family roots.

8. Gardening

Enough of indoor activities. How about some outdoor activities like gardening?

Container gardening is a great activity that won’t need a senior to move around that much. Also, it can still be indoors if the older person doesn’t fancy the outdoors.

To make it easier for seniors, raise the garden to their level so they don’t have to bend. Here are some tips for safe gardening at home for seniors.

9. Flower Arranging

Flower arranging stands out as one of the hobbies for seniors to discover their passion. It’s an activity that doesn’t require much exertion. All seniors need is a touch of skill in their fingers, similar to what they would employ when indulging in other crafts.

10. Listening to Music

The 80s or 90s music playlist will rekindle fond memories for any senior.

I spent some quality time with my dad, a senior going over music from back in his days, and finally understood why he says modern music is trash!

senior man listening to music on his phone


11. Learning a Foreign Language

Learning a foreign language might seem like something a senior adult wouldn’t be interested in. But it is the perfect activity to keep their mind sharp.

Who knows, it could even have been part of their bucket list to learn a new language.

Also, studies show seniors have developed learning habits that make studying a new language easier. (4)

12. Cooking and Baking

Cooking is another fun activity older adults can engage in. I can never forget the delicious cakes my grandma used to bake for us.

She would try cooking new foods each time, getting superb dishes. Later, she would add the recipes to our family recipe book.

If they fancy it, you can include cooking activities for a senior to further spice up their day. That would kill two birds with one stone.

The senior gets to bond with you, and you get some free food!

13. Yoga Meditation

Exercise for seniors rarely needs physical movement since yoga can do the trick.

seniors doing yoga at the park

Besides keeping the mind active, the mood benefits from yoga fill a senior with a unique sense of purpose.

14. Listening to Podcasts

Everyone’s saying podcasts are the modern-day radios. If you’re taking care of a senior, why not look up a good podcast for them to while the hours are away?

15. Reading Books

My father loves books, so this came naturally to him. I rank reading and writing as one of the best therapeutic activities. That’s why it’s an excellent option for seniors with mobility issues.

16. Playing Video Games

How tech-savvy is the senior you’re taking care of? How about you teach them video games and spend the day playing with them?

senior playing video games with his son

Teaching a senior to play your favorite video game will indeed act as a generational bridge for the two of you.  

They could give you a run for your money if they get the hang of it.

Video games can be a great way for seniors to stay mentally active and have fun at the same time, but finding the right games can be a challenge. Check out our video on “Nintendo Switch Games for Seniors”:

17. Stamp Collection

Though letter writing has been declining for some time, collecting stamps can still be a fantastic activity for seniors. 

Seniors will probably look at the times without technology through rose-tinted glasses. So they’ll enjoy collecting stamps that were such a big deal in their days.

18. Birdwatching

 Observant seniors with sharp eyes can enjoy birdwatching massively. Nothing beats watching the birds in a garden as you wait to see a rare bird.

19. Museum Tours

Did you know that museums have offers that allow elderly persons to pay less? Also, they are wheelchair accessible, making them one of the best hobbies for disabled seniors.

20. Creating Photo Albums

Nothing brings back memories like seeing old photos. Organizing pictures into an album can be a fulfilling affair for seniors. 

seniors making scrapbook

Adding it to the ensemble of hobbies will have many mental benefits for the seniors.

21. Watching Olden Movies

Old movies are another excellent way to rejig an older adult’s mind.

Have them watch a movie that was all the rave when they were young, and they’ll regale you with nostalgic tales of days gone.

22. Trips to The Park

Maybe trips make little sense as one of the activities for seniors with limited mobility. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try them.

On weekends, I drive my dad to the park, where he enjoys seeing new faces and even plays chess with other older people.

23. Short Walks

I know it sounds crazy to suggest walks for seniors with mobility issues. But then the walks don’t need to be those long outdoor walks.

senior couple walking at the park

With the help of mobility aids, a senior can have short walks within their residence to boost their level of physical activity.

24. Help At a Charity

Being a senior can be a lonely affair, and most seniors crave the presence of other people. (5) That’s where helping out at charitable organizations comes in.

The older person gets to give back to society and enjoy the company of other people. 

25. Play An Instrument

This is another hobby you can encourage a senior to tick off something on their bucket list.

Barring any health issues, most seniors still possess impressive cognitive ability. So they can handle learning to use an instrument.

Look for one that they’ve always wanted to learn to play. My dad had always wanted to learn to play the piano, so it was my first stop.


Can older people and young people enjoy the same hobbies?

Some seniors enjoy video games as much as young people, while some love books. So yes, older adults can enjoy the same hobbies as young people. Why not?

What are good memory games for seniors?

Jigsaw puzzles, sudoku, chess, trivia quizzes, and word puzzles are perfect brain games for seniors. They keep their minds sharp by encouraging logical thinking.

What kinds of hobbies do older people like?

Seniors love simple relaxing hobbies that require little activity or strength. However, the tastes always vary with each senior.


As mobility issues creep in, most seniors struggle to experience the joys of everyday life – the hobbies outlined here don’t have to be that way.

Seniors can enjoy life right into their sunset years with the help of creative hobbies.

SENIOR learning some Interesting Hobbies for Seniors With Limited Mobility.

What other hobbies for seniors do you know? Share them in the comments, and I’ll add them to the article.


  • 1. Participating in Activities You Enjoy As You Age [Internet]. National Institute on Aging. Available from: https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/participating-activities-you-enjoy-you-age
  • 2. Acosta K. A Guide To The Best Exercises For Seniors [Internet]. Forbes Health. 2021. Available from: https://www.forbes.com/health/healthy-aging/best-exercises-for-seniors/
  • 3. Bressa A, Dobrzycka A, Ferenc M, Golonka J, Gulanowski J, Gulanowski M, et al. The Third Shift: Andragogical Reflections on the @ktywny Senior Project [Internet]. Google Books. Publishing House of the Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom; 2012 [cited 2022 Jul 5]. Available from: https://books.google.co.ke/books?hl=en&lr=&id=wpOtDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA55&dq=hobbies+for+seniors+&ots=FU5W6XcmjB&sig=8TO3DzqGT90OOJ4q3W-czf3yzQY&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=hobbies%20for%20seniors&f=false
  • 4. The Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language at an Older Age [Internet]. Meadow Ridge. [cited 2022 Jul 5]. Available from: https://www.meadowridge.com/resources/the-benefits-of-learning-a-foreign-language-at-an-older-age#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20older%20adults%20have
  • 5. Practical Ways To Alleviate Loneliness And Isolation Among Older Adults [Internet]. Forbes Health. 2022 [cited 2022 Jul 5]. Available from: https://www.forbes.com/health/healthy-aging/how-to-mitigate-senior-loneliness/

About Author

Lilian Wamaitha is a passionate writer and avid cyclist with over 4 years of experience in blogging. As a lifelong learner, she is driven by her curiosity to discover and learn new things. This curiosity and passion eventually sparked a love for the senior writing niche. She has written countless articles to help seniors find their footing in this world through healthy and holistic living. She’s passionate about seeing the seniors in society live a more fulfilling life to the end. Follow her on LINKEDIN. Read her LATEST POSTS. Learn more about her HERE.

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