GamesSenior Lifestyle

Why Do Seniors Love Bingo? Exploring the Timeless Allure

Written by GrigorinaLoa
Last Updated :

Are you wondering, “Why do older people like bingo so much?”

When I was young, I wondered how someone could like such a boring game, but I got to appreciate it as I grew older.

And I’m here to share with you what makes bingo such a popular game for older men and women. 

Just keep reading.

Key Takeaways

  • Bingo is a fast-paced game that allows senior citizens to socialize, relieve boredom, and win awesome prizes. 
  • Playing bingo has many health benefits for seniors, including improved cognitive functions, decreased anxiety, and a more active social life. 
  • Bingo can become an addiction

5 Reasons Why Older People Like Bingo Games

Most people think playing bingo is an activity for elderly people in retirement homes. However, according to statistics, 1.6 billion men and women around the world play bingo. (1)

senior citizens playing bingo

But why do old people like bingo? The short answer is that bingo is a fun way to socialize, especially if you’re a bit of a gambler! 

Let’s see what else makes his simple game so appealing to the elderly population that they spend hours engaged in it. 

#1 It’s Easy

While bingo is a fast-paced game, it requires no special skills – just concentration and good hand-eye coordination. Even people with physical disabilities can take part in a bingo game. 

More importantly, bingo has no complicated rules, so it’s easy for adults to learn how to play, even when they step for the first time in a bingo hall. 

And unlike other games, bingo is relatively cheap. You can expect to pay between $1 to $10 per bingo card in a local bingo hall or play online for free. 

Moreover, you can make bingo cards at home and play with your family. Check this video to see how. 

#2 Opportunity for Social Interaction

At its core, bingo is a social game, and the more players, the merrier! So, it’s an excellent way for lonely seniors to engage in social activities in their local bingo hall or community center. 

Being among other bingo players allows seniors to gossip with their peers, meet new friends, and relieve loneliness. 

According to a study, adults also engage in this number game to escape pressure from home, reduce depression, and find entertainment. (2)

Moreover, thanks to modern technologies, older citizens with mobility issues can enjoy playing and interacting with peers through online bingo sites.

#3 It’s Competitive!

While bingo is easy, it’s still competitive because you must finish the pattern before anyone else. And the thrill is unforgettable when you win and beat everybody else. 

Moreover, you don’t have to worry about other players cheating because numbers are chosen randomly. So, losing or winning is all about your luck and the ability to cross numbers correctly. 

And bingo games come in various patterns, so you’ll likely find one that suits your taste and challenges your brain. 

#4 Prizes

Many people love this fun game because they can win awesome prizes. Some halls offer vacations, luxury items, or cash for the winner. 

And even if you don’t win anything fabulous, you still can brag to all your friends about how you beat everybody! 

Online bingo games don’t offer such prizes, but you get to visit different locations, complete tasks, and collect special boosts.

Not as tempting as real money, but I love it when I finish a hard location. It gives me a pleasant feeling of accomplishment. 

#5 Relaxation

Finally, young and old people love bingo because it’s an excellent way to relax, forget about your problems, and enjoy yourself.

It also allows you to bond with relatives and grandchildren, even if they’re on the other side of the world! 

And surprisingly, seniors can improve their quality of life by engaging in bingo games. So, let’s talk more about the benefits of bingo. 

What Are the Benefits of Playing Bingo?

Bingo is a simple game, but it has significant benefits for seniors and can be an excellent way to improve one’s quality of life and cognitive abilities: 

elderly playing bingo
  • Bingo requires good eye-to-hand coordination because you must spot the called number and draw it as quickly as possible. So, it’s an easy way to improve your motor skills.
  • During a game of bingo, you have to pay attention and think about the called letters and numbers. This activity can improve your short-term memory and boost brain functions, making it somewhat similar to “memory games for the elderly” which are designed to engage and challenge the brain.
  • According to studies, bingo can be helpful in the daily management of people with Alzheimer’s disease. (3)
  • It’s easy for seniors to disconnect from the world. Playing bingo encourages elderly people to connect with the outside world and make new friends.
  • Playing bingo on a regular basis gives seniors something to look towards, which is beneficial for their mental and emotional health. 
  • Laughing and having fun can strengthen one’s immune system. 

But are there any dangers to playing bingo for seniors? Let’s find out! 

Is Bingo Dangerous?

Unfortunately, while bingo has its benefits, it has a drawback. I’m talking about developing a gambling addiction. In some cases, seniors are more prone to it than the younger generation. 

As Pat Flower from the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling explains,

“There aren’t many other activities that are stimulating and exciting that they can do; gambling is one of the few left.” (4)

Moreover, online bingo games are designed to make you spend money to advance, so it’s easy to get carried away. 

Besides gambling, bingo is a relatively passive game. And it’s not good for your health to sit hunched over a bingo card for long periods. 


1. Is bingo a skill or luck?

Bingo is more luck than skills because the bingo machine chooses numbers at random. But you still need a sharp eye to fill the bingo cards and spot the required pattern. 

2. Where do old people play bingo?

Old people can play bingo in bingo halls, senior centers, local community centers, or online. 

3. Can bingo be an addiction?

You can get addicted to bingo since it’s a form of gambling. But most people can enjoy a game of bingo without developing an addiction. If you’re looking for other alternatives, there are various “free sit down games for senior citizens” that can be both entertaining and safe for the elderly.


Why do old people like bingo? Bingo is a social game that allows seniors to socialize with other people, have fun, and relax. It’s accessible, competitive, and inclusive. 

Moreover, bingo games can boost brain health, slow down the decline of cognitive abilities, and improve motor skills. And you can win fabulous prizes! 

What do you think about bingo? Have you ever played? Share your thoughts in the comment section.


1. MTL C. Bingo around the world — facts and figures [Internet]. Cult MTL. 2022 [cited 2023 Oct 12]. Available from: https://cultmtl.com/2022/02/bingo-around-the-world-facts-and-figures/

2. Breen H. Senior Citizen Bingo Players in Australian Registered and Licensed Clubs: A Case Study at Tweed Heads, New South Wales. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 2009;26:383–94.

3. Sobel BP. Bingo vs. physical intervention in stimulating short-term cognition in Alzheimer’s disease patients. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementiasr. 2001;16:115–20.

4. Senior Gamblers Testing the Odds [Internet]. WebMD. [cited 2023 Sep 25]. Available from: https://www.webmd.com/healthy-aging/features/senior-gamblers-testing-odds

About Author

Grigorina discovered that writing is her vocation early in her school years. Since then, she's taken part in several literary contests. For the past three years, she's also been an ELS teacher, pouring her heart into showing children and adults how important English is for their future. She has a Bachelor's degree in Applied Linguistics, an ESL Teacher's degree, and a Master's degree in Accounting. Follow her on FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM. Read her LATEST POSTS. Learn more about her HERE.

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