Seniors Mobility Aids

How to Drive a Mobility Scooter [Learn It In 7 Easy Steps]

Written by GrigorinaLoa
Last Updated :

Are you looking for tips on how to drive a mobility scooter?

When I first tried driving an electric scooter, I found it harder to control and stir than expected and had a few near falls.

So, I’m here to share some simple steps to follow when driving a mobility vehicle and give you some valuable tips. 

Just keep reading.

Quick Summary

  • It’s not hard to drive a medical scooter, but you’ll need time to get familiar with your vehicle and learn to make turns. 
  • You should enroll in a driving class for scooter drivers to gain sufficient driving ability and practice at home. 
  • You must learn the traffic rules and laws to avoid accidents. 

How to Drive a Mobility Scooter in 7 Steps?

At first glance, a 4- wheel mobility scooter doesn’t seem like a complicated vehicle to drive, but it takes time to learn the controls and get used to the feeling. 

a women practicing how to drive a mobility scooter

And as experts from the Disabled World say,

“Its tiller steering mechanism still requires upright posture, shoulder, and hand strength, and some upper-body mobility and strength.” (1)

So, let’s start from the beginning to help you learn how to operate your mobility aid. 

1. Get Familiar with Your Vehicle

Read the instruction manual before you get on your motorized scooter. It contains vital information regarding the warranty, brakes, battery, maximum speed, travel range, etc. 

Make sure you know how to adjust the speed, what the forward/reverse levers look like, and how to engage the brakes.

Depending on the scooter’s type, the central control panel will have several buttons – learn they control. Check this video for more information. 

Remember that the dashboard may look different in larger scooters and have additional controls. 

2. Adjust the Seat

Once you get on your scooter, check that the seat and steering column are at the right height and that you can reach the accelerator lever (throttle) without problems. 

Make the necessary adjustments if the seat post is too far. Your back needs to be well-supported and your feet flat. 

3. Start Your Three/Four-Wheel Scooter

Starting a scooter is simple:

  • Select the desired speed, turn on the ignition key, and gently squeeze the throttle (the acceleration lever) with your finger or thumb.
  • Squeezing the reverse lever will make your vehicle go backward. 

Here’s a video to show you the basics. 


4. Learn How to Turn Corners

To make a turn, you should turn the steering column in the desired direction. If you’re an inexperienced rider or have visual field defects, ride as wide as possible to avoid accidents. 

a women practicing how to drive a mobility scooter on corners

5. Keep An Eye on the Battery Life Indicator

Motorized mobility scooters run on batteries and have a maximum travel range on a single battery charge. Pay special attention to the battery indicator to ensure you have enough power to return home. 

6. Learn How to Stop the Scooter

Stopping your scooter is also easy – release the throttle, and it should engage the brakes automatically. Some models also have emergency brakes, which you can use if automatic ones fail. 

7. Charge the Battery

Another essential element of driving your scooter is not to forget about charging the battery. Allowing the battery to go flat can damage it in the long run. 

And now, I’ve got five additional tips for mobility scooter users to prevent accidents and ensure a smooth and fall-free experience. 

If you’re having trouble with your scooter’s ignition switch, be sure to check out our article on ‘how to bypass ignition switch on scooter‘ for some helpful tips and solutions.

5 Tips on How to Drive a Mobility Scooter

Being anxious is natural if you don’t have sufficient driving experience. But here are seven tips to make it easy for you. 

1. Pick the Right Electric Mobility Scooter

Electric mobility scooters come in a wide range of models. You need to pick one that is the best for your disability and won’t compromise your on-road driving safety. 

For example, a delta tiller is better for people with limited grip strength and dexterity. And people with visual problems benefit from scooters with larger control panels. 

So, don’t forget to check these tips for choosing mobility scooters.

2. Get Driving Training

You should consider driver training if you don’t have prior experience with mobility scooters or other electric vehicles. It’s the quickest way to get sufficient driving skills to avoid accidents.

Moreover, a study determined that more than half of the able-bodied adults selected for the motorized scooter experiment failed at least one test. (2)

I also had problems mastering reverse driving and weaving, but I quickly got better with practical driving training for adults. 

3. Practice at Home

Most 4-wheel scooters and powered wheelchairs have an average speed of four-six miles per hour, so they’re not very fast. But you still can get hurt if you fall or hit something.

So, the key word is practice and extra repetitions when you’re learning to operate mobility aids, such as motorized scooters, manual wheelchairs, or power wheelchairs.

Once you get the hang out of it at home or on the practice field, you can engage in real-life situations. 

4. Learn the Law

Check the laws regarding people with disabilities and mobility scooters in your country. In some regions, you can’t drive mobility aids on the road, or you have to adhere to the speed limit. 

Of course, you also need to pay attention to road signs and know their meaning to avoid accidents. And always 

5. Be Attentive

My final advice to mobility scooter users is to be attentive to the road/pavement and the other people/motor vehicles. 

It’s vital to stay aware of what’s behind and in front of you. How quickly you react can make all the difference and save you from an accident. 

Don’t worry if you have peripheral field defects or low visual acuity. Studies have proven that people with visual field defects can learn to operate scooters with sufficient mobility training. (3)


Is It Difficult to Drive a Mobility Scooter?

A mobility scooter is a bit harder to operate than manual or electric wheelchairs. But you can quickly master it with enough practice and driving training for adults. 

Can Anyone Drive a Mobility Scooter?

In the USA, you don’t have to be an impaired individual to drive a mobility scooter. However, UK laws allow only people with disability or those training disabled users to drive motorized mobility scooters. 

Which Scooter Is Best for Senior Citizens?

a women practicing how to drive a mobility scooter

Among the best scooters for senior citizens are Drive Medical mobility scooters, Vive 4-wheel scooters, Pride Mobility, and Ewheels. 

How Far Can You Go On a Mobility Scooter?

Most scooters can go around 15 miles per single charge. But it depends on the battery power, and an additional battery pack can increase your driving range to 25 miles. 

Do I Need a License to Drive a Mobility Scooter?

No, you don’t need a license to operate a mobility scooter. But you should enroll in driving training if you have the insufficient driving ability. 


A mobility scooter can improve your quality of life, but you must learn to drive it without endangering yourself or other participants.

And you should be aware of your vehicle’s ground clearance, weight capacity, and battery life to ensure you don’t overload your motor vehicle or get stranded in the middle of the road. 

a senior is practicing how to drive a mobility scooter

What do you think about these tips on how to drive a mobility scooter? Is it easy to drive your mobility aid? Share your thoughts in the comments. 


  • 1. Electric Mobility Scooters: Information and Guides [Internet]. Disabled World. Available from: https://www.disabled-world.com/assistivedevices/mobility/scooters/
  • 2. Nitz JC. Evidence from a cohort of able bodied adults to support the need for driver training for motorized scooters before community participation. Patient Education and Counseling. 2008;70:276–80.
  • 3. Cordes C, Heutink J, Brookhuis KA, Brouwer WH, Melis-Dankers BJM. Mobility scooter driving ability in visually impaired individuals. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2017;40:1372–8.

About Author

Grigorina discovered that writing is her vocation early in her school years. Since then, she's taken part in several literary contests. For the past three years, she's also been an ELS teacher, pouring her heart into showing children and adults how important English is for their future. She has a Bachelor's degree in Applied Linguistics, an ESL Teacher's degree, and a Master's degree in Accounting. Follow her on FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM. Read her LATEST POSTS. Learn more about her HERE.

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