Walking Aids

How To Pull Yourself Up To An Upright Walker In 4 Easy Steps

Written by Claire Bonneau
Last Updated :

Wondering how to pull yourself up to an upright walker?

If you are a senior using a walker, you may find it challenging to pull yourself up to an upright position.

This can be very frustrating and can make it difficult to get around. Fortunately, there are a few tricks that can help.

With a bit of practice, you should be able to do this without any trouble. I’ll discuss some of the best ways to pull yourself up to your walker.

I will also provide some helpful tips on how to stay safe while doing so.

Let’s get started!

Make sure to check our review of the best upright walker for balance problems!

How to Stand Up in an Upright Walker

person standing up using an upright walker

An upright walker is an upgrade from an upright rollator and standard walkers. It helps individuals who need more support to maintain balance while walking.

The four-wheel walker also has padded armrests, two handles, and an adjustable height aluminum frame. 

To get into an upright position from a seated one, follow these steps:

TRY READING: How to Go Upstairs with a Walker?

Step 1: Position the Walker

It’s essential to make sure the walker is positioned correctly before you try to stand up. The legs of the walker should be about shoulder-width apart, and the handles should be at waist level.

Assistive devices (cane, conventional walker) injury and health issues are prevalent in elderly people [1].

Study shows that 47,000 fall-related injuries each year are associated with canes and walkers, so it’s essential to be extra careful!

Step 2: Place Your Hands on the Cane Holder

placing the hand properly on the walker

Once the walker is positioned correctly, place your hands on the waist-level seat holder. Make sure you have a good grip before proceeding.

The walker seat handle should be at a mid-chest level in a hunched position.

Step 3: Use Your Legs to Stand Up

Use your legs to stand up straight slowly. Don’t try to use your arms to pull yourself up, as this could cause the walker to tip over.

Step 4: Walk Forward

Once you’re in an upright position, start walking forward. The walker should move with you as you walk. If it doesn’t, readjust your grip and try again.

For a more detailed visualization, below, I provided a video covering how to stand up in an upright walker.

With a little bit of practice, you’ll be able to stand up in an upright walker like a pro. Just remember to take your time and be careful.

If you have any concerns, talk to your doctor or physical therapist.

READ MORE: How to Properly Use a Walker

How to Sit Down While Using an Upright Walker

an elderly sitting down with an upright walker

Now, let’s talk about how to sit down while using an upright walker. It’s the same process, only in reverse.

To go in a seated position in an upright walker, follow these steps:

ALSO READ: How to Use Rollator Walker

Step 1: Turn the walker in front of the chair

When turning, take small steps by pushing the walker a little distance and then your legs.

The Cleveland Clinic recommends turning by walking in a large circle with a walker. This will prevent the replacement knee joint from twisting [2].

Step 2: Back up on the chair

When you’re in front of the chair, back up until your legs touch the chair’s seat. 

Also, watch out for uneven surfaces as they may cause accidents. 

Step 3: Slowly lower yourself down

elderly slowly sitting down

Once the walker is in position, slowly lower yourself down into the chair. Again, use your legs and not your arms to lower yourself down.

Once you’ve done that, yay! You may now enjoy a painful, stress-free, and comfortable seat!

I provided a video below that details how to sit down while using an upright walker.

5 Safety Warnings When Using an Upright Walker

If you’ve already bought an upright walker covered by Medicare, you should know certain risks and safety concerns.

Here are three safety warnings to keep in mind when using an upright walker:

1. Don’t use the walker on uneven and slippery surfaces

an elderly falling down due to slippery surface

As I said earlier, one of the main dangers of using an upright walker is that it can tip over easily.

Some of the uneven surfaces you should avoid using the walker on are; grassy areas, carpeted surfaces, and gravel [3].

Instead, try to stick to using the walker on even surfaces such as concrete, linoleum, and tile.

2. Don’t stand up or sit down too fast

elderly being assisted while sitting

Remember, the walker is designed to help you move slowly and safely. If you try to stand up or sit down too quickly, you could lose your balance and fall. 

So take things slow from time to time!

3. Don’t use the walker if you’re not feeling well

Don’t use the walker if you’re feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or generally unwell. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

4. Inspect the walker before each use

Before using the walker, inspecting it for any damage is crucial. This includes checking the walker’s rear wheels, brakes, and legs to make sure everything is in working order.

Here’s a helpful video that goes over the inspection process.

5. Only use the walker for its intended purpose

The upright walker is a great tool to help you get around, but it’s not meant for everything.

For example, don’t try to use the walker as a stool to reach something high up. Not only is this dangerous, but it could also damage the walker.

If you follow these safety tips, you should be able to use your upright walker with confidence and without any accidents.

An injury from a walker or any mobility aid can be covered by medicare to some extent. 

Although it has contingencies such as the person’s weight capacity, the place of injury, and how long it will take for the person to recover. 

Most importantly, if the person does not have medical insurance, then medical may not cover the entire cost of the injury.

So, it’s essential to be aware of the risks before using an upright walker and take precautions to prevent any accidents! 

ALSO CHECK: Upright Rollator Walker Covered By Medicare

Frequently Asked Questions

Can using a walker cause shoulder pain? 

Some people may experience shoulder pain from using a walker if they don’t have the proper form. Keep your shoulders relaxed and back when using the walker, and consult with a physical therapist if you’re experiencing any pain.

Should walker wheels be on inside or outside?

The wheels on the walker should be on the inside of the frame, so they are close to your body. This will give you more control of the walker and help prevent it from tipping over.

Can you add back wheels to a walker?

Yes, you can add back wheels to a walker. This can be helpful if you’re struggling to control the walker or if you’re experiencing pain in your shoulders or arms. However, adding back wheels to a walker does increase the risk of tipping over, so be sure to use caution.


Those are the simple steps on how to pull yourself up to an upright walker

An upright walker can be a great tool to help you get around, but it’s essential to be aware of the risks before using one.

Be sure to follow the safety tips listed above, and I hope you found this guide helpful!

How to Stand Up With an Upright Walker

Have you thought about helping someone in need when standing up using their upright walker? Recommend them this article instead!


  • 1. West BA, Bhat G, Stevens J, Bergen G. Assistive device use and mobility-related factors among adults aged≥65 years. Journal of Safety Research. 2015;55:147–50.
  • 2. Cleveland Clinic. How To Use A Walker [Internet]. Cleveland Clinic. Available from: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/15542-how-to-use-a-walker
  • 3. Physiotherapy: How to choose and use a 4 wheeled walker [Internet]. myhealth.alberta.ca. [cited 2022 Apr 26]. Available from: https://myhealth.alberta.ca/health/AfterCareInformation/pages/conditions.aspx?hwid=custom.ab_physio_4wheeledwalker_inst

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About Author

Claire Bonneau
Claire is a registered nurse with experience in freelance medical writing. She is very passionate about geriatric nursing and seniors care and education (it is her favorite area of nursing). She worked with many seniors in a variety of medical settings to provide high-erLATEST POSTS. Learn more about her HERE.

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